
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Effin' Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving dilema.  So I was all, I'm hosting Thanksgiving after all, and keeping it very simple! And I still am, in spite of the fact that Dick and I are barely speaking and I want to sell both of my children at this moment.  Yes, even Serenity Boy.  But I digress.  I'm hosting my neighbors who are very old and dear friends.  Of course they want to bring something.  Mrs. Cravitz told me, emphasis on told, that she was bringing some kind of a corn casserole that she wants to try.  (It's probably from Schwans; don't get me wrong she is a dear friend, but this is how she rolls).  The dilema is that none of us like corn in much of anything and so no one will eat it.  Some of the other guests might but it's debatable.  So should I just go with it and not say anything, or tell her I'd really like her to bring a salad, which she is really good at?  I'm sure you will all tell me to be nice but I had to ask. My sister, Dinnie, is really my only reader; she'll know what to do. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014


This morning, The Old Soul (or my hubby more recently referred to fondly as Dick, MHRTFAD,) was showing me his prizes from a golf tournament he played in yesterday. It was 42 degress out yesterday and raining/snowing so I thought he was f'ing out of his mind... But I digress. There were water bottles, golf towels, miniature flashlights, an umbrella(duh), quite the haul. But the one that made me perk my head up were the two windshield snow brushes that he said would be useful for WHEN THE KIDS GOT THEIR CARS! WTF?  This is the guy that says we will never contribute to college tuition, they will work their way through like he did and cars will not be automatic entitlements. When did this happen?  It must be part of the mid-life crisis he has been going through which has been exacerbated by the lifting of filters. All the way up. But that's a story for another day. Today I will ponder on this new development and reassure my neurotic student drivers that the car situation will be resolved without a divorce proceeding. 

I'm All Over Happiness

Well, as you can see, I crapped out on the 100 days of Happiness challenge. Don't get me wrong, I've had some happy days, I just got tired of telling about them. That is all.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

5 - Day 5 of 100 Days of Happiness (but not in a row:)

So I missed a couple of days. It wasn't because I was not happy. I'm just like that. Normally it might have been months before the next post. Today I am grateful for trips to the mountains with family, more baseball and a daughter who wants me to snuggle because she might be breaking up with her boyfriend. Yay me. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

4 - Day 4 of 100 Days of Happiness

I went to a new women's meeting I hadn't been to before. Lots of sobriety and wisdom there. I stopped at my favorite coffee shop and bought myself a little present.  
I came home to a giant breakfast my husband had cooked for me and the kids. After breakfast we took off for my son's baseball game where he came through in the clutch and brought the winning run home. Yay me!

Friday, June 20, 2014

3 - Day 3 of 100 Days of Happiness

My daughter Cinderella, Cindi for short, emptied the dishwasher and I only had to ask her once!  My son, D2, named after Dick, emptied the recycles without me even asking. Score 2 for Mommie!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

100 Days of Happiness starts today.

1. I finally colored my hair. This is a chore that I usually go to the hair dresser for but who has time? I have a new passion, tennis, and my kids are home from school!  Still drying so I'll post a pic later with results. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Aha moments

My children will not remember a time without computers, cell phones and the internet.

When my children tell me about something they realized that is amazing to them, that I already know, I should act as if I didn't.

Monday, April 7, 2014

My Miracles

Outing Myself

Last weekend on the airplane heading to a sober women's meet up, after a lot of shuffling around, I got seated next to a man from a town not far from me. As I usually do, I put on my earphones to listen to my soothing take off music. He noticed that I was listening to Il Volo and started chatting me up in Italian. Which I don't speak. Anyway, we started talking and he turned out to be have a small winery at his house where he makes specialty wine for friends and loved ones. He asked me what my favorite wine was and I said it used to be Chardonnay but I don't drink anymore. I could tell he was fascinated by that answer by the look on his face. He asked me if it was for spiritual reasons or health…? I shocked myself and told him I didn't drink anymore because I had a drinking problem. No shut off. He was more fascinated and asked how that works. I explained that a "normie" could just have a glass of wine but I had to have a bottle (or two…).
He told me he and his wife share a bottle of wine every night and that was it. I said, well your a normie then. He was fascinated like he'd never heard of this concept before and asked me lots more questions. When he asked me where I was going and I almost spit out my (non-alcoholic) drink. I told him I was going on a girls' weekend. His eyebrows shot up and I clarified, a sober girls' weekend. I told him I was going to meet 30 sober women I had met on-line. He almost spit out his (non-alcoholis) drink. So I told him about how I googled if I was an alcoholic in 2010 and found Stefanie Wilder-Taylor's blog where she came out as an alcoholic, and talked about wine at play dates and driving drunk, etc. He said "I just saw something about that the other day" on the Today show! I said I was going to meet with members of the group she started. Uh huh! Truth. At the end of the flight he said he was really glad we chatted and I had certainly given him food for thought about drinking and sharing his wine responsibly. God (HP) shot or what?

Monday, March 31, 2014

Better Later Than Never

 Well, it's not a year later, but a lot of time has passed since my last post. Today I have 269 days since my "sip" slip and 400 plus since my last drink. There are highs and lows and some days I still behave like an alcoholic. I got myself a wise, kindred sponsor and I go to meetings 2 - 4 times a week. I have made some sober IRL friends and come out to most people that I don't drink anymore. Not that I am "alcoholic" but they get the gist and are ok with it.
I feel 100 times better mentally and physically, in spite of aches and pains and ups and downs of every day living. 
I am present for my kids and working on reconnecting with my husband. We have had some major bumps and grown apart slthough we live in the same house. But that's a story for another post.