
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Effin' Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving dilema.  So I was all, I'm hosting Thanksgiving after all, and keeping it very simple! And I still am, in spite of the fact that Dick and I are barely speaking and I want to sell both of my children at this moment.  Yes, even Serenity Boy.  But I digress.  I'm hosting my neighbors who are very old and dear friends.  Of course they want to bring something.  Mrs. Cravitz told me, emphasis on told, that she was bringing some kind of a corn casserole that she wants to try.  (It's probably from Schwans; don't get me wrong she is a dear friend, but this is how she rolls).  The dilema is that none of us like corn in much of anything and so no one will eat it.  Some of the other guests might but it's debatable.  So should I just go with it and not say anything, or tell her I'd really like her to bring a salad, which she is really good at?  I'm sure you will all tell me to be nice but I had to ask. My sister, Dinnie, is really my only reader; she'll know what to do.