In late spring, the anonymous donor pursuit began and it was not pretty. We would not meet her and we would not tell anyone we were using donor eggs, at least for now. In fact only my siblings knew we were even exploring treatment. Of course I was on my last nerve, so pretty much everything annoyed me; fertility treatment is very stressful and the lack of empathy at the clinic astounded me. But I digress. Anyway, we filled out an application describing what we looked like and what qualities we sought in a donor. After a long wait and many phone calls (of course we were anxious) they advised us that they didn't have any matches as there were no brunette, blue eyed donors available. For some reason, they got stuck on my brown hair and blue eyes, even though my husband's are green. They did have some blondes with green eyes who matched, did we want to pursue that? Duh? Even after 12 years, this event still sticks out more than any other of the humiliation; don't ask me why. They sent us some donor profiles, along with some very fuzzy, unrecognizable black and white pictures, and we chose a 26 year old green eyed blond with a college degree in psychology working as a counselor somewhere in our city...
After this, it was a go and we got on track. This was May. Simultaneously through the summer, the donor and I started hormone treatments. She to produce as many eggs as possible and I to prepare my uterus for implantation. The Old Soul had to give me shots in my backside and was amazingly good at it. At the end of August, the donor's eggs would be extracted and fertilized with The Old Soul's donation in a cup. ( I still can't believe he did it, twice, but that's another funny story for later.) They would implant three as the success rate at that time was low and they most likely wouldn't all take.
The donor produced 9 eggs, a low number according to the dr. Of the nine, only six fertilized and then only three lasted for transfer. We were scheduled for Labor Day. Painless for me, and I had to stay in bed for a day, but after that it was hurry up and wait. I was to go back in two weeks for a pregnancy test. I, of course, couldn't wait, and took a home test after eight days figuring a futile exercise. Much to my surprise and glee, a big old dark blue stripe appeared. OMG, we were pregnant.
After the official test, I was told the HSG level, the hormone they measure to determine pregnancy, was extremely high and it was more than likely multiples. Burning question: was it two or three? This would be determined by ultrasound in 4-6 weeks. The possibility of three was not a good outcome in terms of safety for me and viability of the babies so this was going to be a very long wait.
Thanks for sharing this. I can so relate to the whole fertility thing. We didn't do donor eggs but my husband gave me the shots and did the sperm in the jar thing! And the HCG levels being off the charts! What memories. Aaaarghh!