
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What I Would Have Missed Today

Today my son had the day off of school.  We made plans to golf and we did it.  We got up and got out of the house by 8 a.m.!  Only 9 holes, but we spent two beautiful sunny hours in the fresh air laughing and bonding.  He is still the sweetest, most easy going kid and I am so grateful we still have fun together now that he is a teenager.

Later in the afternoon, I went to my daughter’s last middle school volleyball game.  She was terrific and I love watching her play!  On our way home, we had a conversation about a friend she is having problems with.  The friend has become annoying and everyone is mad at her.  We talked about how this might feel and what she could control about this situation.  I suggested starting with my favorite advice “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”.  (Advice I have to remind myself about sometimes, but try to follow.)    She confessed she has a bad habit of doing this when she is annoyed with someone.  I bribed her with Itune songs on the days she goes all day without saying anything negative about this person.  I told her she has to be honest about it and she promised she would be.  At least this will be in the back of her mind as she navigates this relationship.  There was a lot more to the conversation and it felt good to share.

If I had been drinking, this is what I would have missed.  I will remember this tomorrow.